Welcome to the Art of Being Online Studio
A holding space for you to come, as you are, and to receive your own medicine.
Through many transpersonal movement and healing art modalities - from inspired yoga and meditation classes to dance, creativity and music - every online session is an invitation for you to make meaningful contact with yourself.
To descend down into your body and soul to retrieve deep wisdom, find rest, cultivate resilience, empowerment and transformation.
Watch the trailer!
US $27 per month / $6.75 per week / 85c per day
Classes on demand
These yoga classes are the perfect blend of fluid and grounded, empowering and liberating. Infused with inspired philosophy and soul-centred themes, let these classes take you on a journey of rhythmic movement, breath awareness, and flow-state meditation. There are three levels of dynamism depending on what you need in each moment, from Gentle & Juicy to more Igniting Flows to Sequences with Extra Spice. In joy!
Sessions for you to rest and receive the potent power of sound in its capacity to open, feel and heal. Facilitated by Benny, these classes vary from deeply restorative sonic baths to drift you into dreamland, to deep and transcendental musical trips into the secret spaces of your soul. The sessions are recorded live and all music and voice embedded in the moment of spontaneity.
SOMATICS & dance
Free movement medicine! These dynamic meditation practices and sensitised somatic journeys are guided practices anchored by simple cues, powerful intention and evocative music to let you MOVE what you FEEL as a portal to unlocking who you truly are… Let yourself drop beneath the analytical mind to see what your soul wants to say through your unique embodied improvisation. From slow and sensual to full-throttle ecstatic and cathartic movement. Is it the answer!
Slow down and open up in these deep yin steeps. Classes designed as a holding space for you to descend down into the body to meet yourself and explore the full array of sensory and emotional symptoms that can arise - the sublime as well as the ugly - in order to savour the full human experience: body, mind and spirit, alive, open and integrated. Each yin class is a juicy and attuned full body meditation
A series of sessions dropping you into creative inquiry and self reflection. Through guided meditations and deep sensing journeys, you are then invited to externalise and express your inner world through colour, texture, line and tone. Journal prompts and amplification questions then help you to unpack the meaning and symbolic healing available to us when we take the time to really receive from the depths of who we are.
meditation & breath
Seated (or lying) meditation practices for you to come as you are and authentically meet yourself in the moment. Infused with non-dual Tantric philosophy and transpersonal depth psychology, these compassionately guided sessions are doorways inside a self-holding space for all sensations and emotions to be welcome. Opportunities for you to metabolise the rich textures and energies of your life through somatically attuned body-based meditations and breathing exercises. Prescription is one of these per day until forever, amen.
Turn your home practice into a time for ritual & ceremony
Turn your home practice into a time for ritual & ceremony
Every session on the AoB studio is infused with inspired philosophy, drawing on rich themes, living myth and embodied metaphor.
There is something for every flavour and every mood, every season and every weather.
Step inside the cave of transformation alongside us to retrieve your own riches and discover all the answers to all the questions that you seek.
more than your average online yoga studio, immerse in a wide range of embodiment and healing modalities.
Meet your guides,
lara & benny
lara zilibowitz
Lara is an internationally touring yoga and meditation teacher, and a qualified transpersonal art therapist, devoted to the intrinsic wisdom and healing creativity of the body and soul.
Lara’s personal journey is one of profound transformation and inspiration, navigating many layers of her own post-traumatic stress symptoms following a near-death experience at age 17.
After two decades of passionate self-study, formal training and facilitation across yoga and the creative embodied arts, Lara has become a master in the field of holding space for others, welcoming them just as they are.
Through her signature evocative language, expressive movement, nourishing breathwork and compassionate inquiry, every practice with Lara is a celebration of existence, a healing journey of exquisite self-remembrance and acceptance.
Lara is founder of Body Poetry Yoga and Art of Being Retreats, hosting masterclasses, teacher trainings and transformative retreats around Australia and the world.
Benny holloway
For almost a decade Benny has been playing music within the soul ceremonial space, weaving sounds to support sacred practices and ritualistic offerings.
Benny’s music is completely intuitively created, deeply inspired by cross-cultured ethnomusicology, having lived in and around India for many years, the prayer calls from mosques that flood the city, the music within ashrams, the street performances have soaked into his subconscious and only when it comes time to creating and playing music do those influences play themselves out through his melodic interpretation.
Benny’s music has been referred to as “medicinal”. It is often shared that his music is used throughout the sacred processes of giving birth, making love or transcending through yoga, meditation or dance.
Benny has also been a Sound Therapist for nearly 15 years, working with a very special and rare instrument ‘The Soundbed’ - a large acoustic bed with strings underneath, played to create a deeply therapeutic sound and vibrational healing transmission.
Listen to Holloway on Spotify